MC-Square300 Multifuncional framing square 300x200mm 8460 Milescraft
Availability:in stock 11 item(s)
Product Code:8460
Product Dimensions and Weight
Product Weight: 0.2500KG
109,00 zł
Carpentry framing square MC-Square300 Milescraft. Perfect for precise marking, line-making and measuring during all kinf of carpentry works.
- solid aluminum construction with protective layer;
- detachable stand;
- bult-in protractor (0-90 degrees);
- inner and outer engraved milimiter scale;
- holes every 10mm allow for fast line-marking parallel lines and marking drill holes;
- has three quick angle finders for 30°, 45°, and 60° angles;
- 5mm, 17mm i 21.5mm do 26mm i 32mm openings for making shelf pins and rafix connections;
- 9,5mm opening
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