TriGrips non-slip friction pad 1601 Milescraft
Product Dimensions and Weight
TriGrips non-slip work supports hold projects securely for routing, sanding, painting, drilling, carving, and more. The pads hold projects in place while elevating them above the work surface allowing complete access to edges while holding the project in place for painting and edge routing. Exclusive integrated painter’s points provide additional lift from the work surface and make minimal contact with fresh coats of paint or stain. Internal ballast ensures stability by allowing the center of gravity to flow to the base in any position.
TriGrips Features
- Non-slip friction pads eliminates the use of clamps while routing, sand, painting, etc
- Instant, positive lateral stability on almost any kind of work surface without clamps
- TriGrips allow complete access to edges for painting
- Integrated cone-shaped, painting supports provide 76 mm elevation and minimal contact with freshly painted or stained project surfaces
- Self-adjusting internal ballast provides support in any position
- Can be used for non-work projects, such as beneath a computer
TriGrips pad is triangular with 87mm long sides and is 30mm thick.
(avaliable in sets of 4 pcs. - SKU: 1600-trigrips)
Extremely usefull tool in every workshop!
Quality provided by Milescraft - always the better idea..
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