Woodturning Compression Pen Manderl - 2MT Axminster

Availability:in stock 1 item(s)
Product Code:506445

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Weight: 0.4000KG
330,00 zł

Axminster Evolution series mandrel

Operating in a different way to other mandrels, the Axminster Compression Pen Mandrel is a big step forward in mandrel design. The prepared pen blanks are located on the shaft with any bushings that may be required and then the included hollow revolving centre is simply moved into position over the shaft. When the tailstock quill is tightened it is the blank and bushings that are held in compression and not the shaft as with conventional mandrels. The result is improved concentricity and results in less vibration during turning. Because the silver steel mandrel shaft is accommodated within the revolving tailstock centre, length adjustment is unnecessary. If you make a lot of pens the time saved by using this mandrel would be considerable.

Key Features

  • Shafts diameter: 6,1 mm
  • Bushings diameter: 8,5 mm 
  • Instalation by Morse Cone MT2
  • Made in Axminster using CNC production techniques
  • Work held in compression for accuracy and less vibration
  • Automatically adjusts for length
  • Speeds up your pen production

Manufactured in United Kindom